About the input format

Q: I processed my data using Seurat, and transformed them into .h5ad files. But an error occurred when I passed them into CAME’s default pipeline.

A: The problem is caused by “the h5ad files converted from seurat-object by SeuratDisk”. CAME process the data from the raw-count matrices. So please use scanpy to construct the AnnData object from the raw-count matrices (e.g., read from the *.mtx and *.txt files by scanpy.read())

You can also use the following R code to export the filtered scRNA-seq data into an .h5 file, which takes less time and space.

# R code

save_h5mat = function(mat, fp_h5, feature_type, genome=""){
  # save sparse.mat ('dgCMatrix' format) into a h5 file
  # ======= Test code ======
  # tmp = Seurat::Read10X_h5(fp_h5)
  # all(tmp@x == mat@x)
  # all(tmp@i == mat@i)
  # all(tmp@p == mat@p)


  root = "matrix"
  h5createGroup(fp_h5, root)

  h5write(dim(mat), fp_h5, paste(root, "shape", sep='/'))
  h5write(mat@x, fp_h5, paste(root, "data", sep='/'))
  h5write(mat@i, fp_h5, paste(root, "indices", sep='/'))  # mat@i - 1 ?
  h5write(mat@p, fp_h5, paste(root, "indptr", sep='/'))
  h5write(colnames(mat), fp_h5, paste(root, "barcodes", sep='/'))

  feat_root = paste(root, "features", sep='/')
  h5createGroup(fp_h5, feat_root)

  h5write(rownames(mat), fp_h5, paste(feat_root, "id", sep='/'))
  h5write(rownames(mat), fp_h5, paste(feat_root, "name", sep='/'))

  h5write(rep(feature_type, dim(mat)[1]),
          fp_h5, paste(feat_root, "feature_type", sep='/'))

  h5write(rep("", dim(mat)[1]),
          fp_h5, paste(feat_root, "derivation", sep='/'))
  h5write(rep(genome, dim(mat)[1]),  # "mm10"
          fp_h5, paste(feat_root, "genome", sep='/'))
  h5write(c("genome", "derivation"),
          fp_h5, paste(feat_root, "_all_tag_keys", sep='/'))


# save_h5mat_peak = function(mat, fp_h5, genome=""){
#   save_h5mat(mat, fp_h5, feature_type = "Peaks", genome = genome)
# }

save_h5mat_gex = function(mat, fp_h5, genome=""){
  save_h5mat(mat, fp_h5, feature_type = "Gene Expression", genome = genome)
# save the raw-counts in a Seurat-object "seurat_obj"
mat = seurat_obj[["RNA"]]@counts
save_h5mat_gex(mat, "matrix.raw.h5", genome="")

# save the meta-data into a csv file:
meta_data = seurat_obj@meta.data
write.csv(meta_data, "metadata.csv")

And read the h5 file using Scanpy’s build-in function:

# python-code
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc

fp_mat = 'matrix.raw.h5'
fp_meta = 'metadata.csv'
adata_raw = sc.read_10x_h5(fp_mat)
metadata = pd.read_csv(fp_meta, index_col=0)
# add meta-data
for c in metadata.columns:
    adata_raw.obs[c] = metadata[c]