
came.load_example_data() Dict

Load example data, for a quick start with CAME.

This pair of cross-species datasets contains the pancreatic scRNA-seq data of human (“Baron_human”) and mouse (“Baron_human”), initially published with paper [1].

NOTE that “Baron_human” is a 20%-subsample from the original data. The resulting cell-typing accuracy may not be as good as one using full dataset as the reference.

[1] Baron, M. et al. (2016) A Single-Cell Transcriptomic Map of the Human and Mouse Pancreas Reveals Inter- and Intra-cell Population Structure. Cell Syst 3 (4), 346-360.e4.


a dict with keys [‘adatas’, ‘varmap’, ‘varmap_1v1’, ‘dataset_names’, ‘key_class’]

Return type:



>>> example_data_dict = load_example_data()
>>> print(example_data_dict.keys())
# Out[]: dict_keys(['adatas', 'varmap', 'varmap_1v1', 'dataset_names', 'key_class'])
>>> adatas = example_data_dict['adatas']
>>> dsnames = example_data_dict['dataset_names']  # ('Baron_human', 'Baron_mouse')
>>> df_varmap = example_data_dict['varmap']
>>> df_varmap_1v1 = example_data_dict['varmap_1v1']
>>> key_class1 = key_class2 = example_data_dict['key_class']