- came.utils.plot.embed_with_values(xy: ndarray, values: Series | Mapping, do_zscore: bool = False, s: int | None = 1.5, ncols=5, axscale=2.5, name_xy='UMAP', with_cbar=True, cmap='RdYlBu_r', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs)¶
Visualize the given x-y coordinates, colored by the given (dict of) values
- Parameters:
xy (np.array) – coordinates of each points, of shape (n_points, 2)
values (Mapping, pd.DataFrame or pd.Series) – where the keys will be the title of subplots and each of the values should be a vector of the length equal to xy.shape[0]
do_zscore – whether to calculate and display the z-scores instead of the original values. (False)
s – the size of the scatters / points (1.5)
ncols – the number of columns for multiple-subplots (5)
axscale – adjust the size of the figures (2.5)
with_cbar – whether to display the color bars (True)
cmap – the colormap
vmin – the minimum and the maximum of the values
vmax – the minimum and the maximum of the values
kwargs – Other Parameters for